People's MB Church
People's MB Church

The People's M.B. Church

Standard of Ministry



People's M.B. Church was founded on the belief: that all that come to Christ are in need of deliverance from a deprived lifestyle in thought and deed. We believe this deliverance is key to learning how to really live. The closer we come to Christ, the more we become like Him. This process involves both the seasoned saint and the new convert, we call it "L2L" Learn To Live. It is progressive in nature and three dimensional in application. The other dimensions of "L2L" are Learn To Love, and Learn To Lead. Our work is founded on the following five principles of faith:


  • Acknowledge your need for Deliverance
  • Stabilize where you are in Christ
  • Develop a spirit of Humility and meekness (Teachable)
  • Learn your true purpose and work towards who God created you to be
  • Live your New Life to Glorify God and to serve mankind


Find out more about our people and the history of People's M.B. Church.

Contact Us

People's M.B. Church

1101 Heston St

Toledo, OH 43607

Phone: (419) 243-0854


Or use our contact form.

What Keeps Us Going

We are excited about the work we will be doing in this community!!

God's Manifestation will reveal itself to those who walk in the Light!! 


Read our Church Calendar

Regular Hours

We're here to welcome you!



Morning Worship: 11:00 am


Bible Study: Wednesday @ 6:30 pm