People's MB Church
People's MB Church

      People’s Missionary Baptist Church

Pastor Michael & Co-Pastor Alisa Key



People’s Missionary Baptist Church is a spirit filled place of Worship. We are a family of baptized believers whose sole purpose is to lift up the Name of Jesus by daily application of The Word of God through the operation of the gifts (Ephesians Ch. 4);




Equipping the saints for work of ministry, to edify the Body of Christ until we come to the unity of faith, knowledge and maturity. Transforming our lives so we may have character change and then we will have skill development in the ability to minister to one another as God intended in the Body of Christ.

Come and worship with us! We promise you will leave better than when you came!! 

Members can now Pay their Tithes through the Givelify link below:


If you want to support what our Ministry is doing, your tax deductible donations are gladly accepted.

Ladies!! Ladies!!!

Are you ready for "Women Building Women With the Word" Sessions?

Due to COVID-19 our meetings are

Every 3rd Saturday@ 7:00 pm via Zoom until further notice.


Select the WBWWW Ministries tab to visit the website

Contact Us

People's M.B. Church

1101 Heston St

Toledo, OH 43607

Phone: (419) 243-0854


Or use our contact form.

What Keeps Us Going

We are excited about the work we will be doing in this community!!

God's Manifestation will reveal itself to those who walk in the Light!! 


Read our Church Calendar

Regular Hours

We're here to welcome you!



Morning Worship: 11:00 am


Bible Study: Wednesday @ 6:30 pm